Monday 18 May 2020

I have been a little under the weather the past week+ so have mostly been sofa or bed bound.

Managed to get to the doctors last week for bloods and have found out I'm anaemic, and also have a Vit B12 & D deficiency. I have always had some sort of deficiency which I normally manage through meds and eating a lot certain types of foods, but with lockdown my eating habits have obviously changed. It wasn't picked up quick enough because it took Forever to get an appointment but with boosters il be back to normal in a week+.

Time spent on the sofa/bed hasn't been in vain, I've managed to find a new work bitch who I've managed to give most my work too so I can focus on the most important stuff and he even sent "get better soon doughnuts" from a local business. (My mind always wonders off to a Yes ma'am, Thank you ma'am fantasy I have, hard to judge how far to push it via zoom or email but you know me I'm gonna 😉)

But enough about me and Vanilla🍦life...

Your stories have been a constant source of entertainment... some I've read through a few times (with my brain fog I pick up new things I missed the first or second time around) so much the next task will be another story task and posted later today...

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