Wednesday 9 September 2020

Business/ Only Fans / Content

It's been awhile ...

Is everyone back to work now??? My Inbox is no longer popping?!?

I have shared this news with those who have emailed or sent me a WhatsApp's message, however I have been very busy too.

Me and my sister (which some of you may have met previously) are in the process of starting a small business together. So most of my time is filled with creating our website, product sourcing/creating and other bits. We are hopefully going to be in the position to start trading in the next couple of weeks.

How can you be of service? 

1) There are still a few purchases outstanding and if you would like to help out find your way over my amazon wish list

Empress would be very happy with any purchases made, I have coded anything business related with a... wait for it... "B".

2) Trademark costs, we are only starting out little however sky's the limit right?! I would like to Trademark our business name however the costs of this means it's been put on the back burner for now. It's £220 which is the fee plus 1 additional classification. If anyone wants to cover this cost or donate towards it Empress would think you were the best little bitch ever, or if anyone has ever Trademarked a business name before and has advice before I shell out let me know.

3) if anyone has a professional service they think may be beneficial for my business and are willing to offer these services for FREE send me and email detailing how you can be of service. This is a vanilla business, only sensible emails or your getting blocked!? Even if you don't have a "special talent" but have "contacts" ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพLet๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพThis๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพEmpress๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพKnow.


So as well as working my normal Vanilla job (which has been fucking manic lately) and setting up a business with my sister, I have been working on ONLY FANS content?!

Only Fans

Once the website with my sister is live I will be ready to activate my only fans page, I currently have over 100 pictures (which I prob will whittle down to 50) in storage, however I will be focusing on creating more content over the next couple of weeks.

I've already had a few emails with content ideas however if you have anything specific you want to see let empress know (and it may be considered).

I have also added some things to my amazon wish list if you want to purchase some outfits or "props" ๐Ÿ˜‰ for empress to use. These are have OF next to them on the Amazon list.

My plan is to share images, clips, voicenotes and also put tasks for followers up once it's live, for now... due to covid all pictures will solely be empress but once things are a little more relaxed I will meet certain followers for content creating sessions.

That's all from me for now, hopefully will have some time for a few more updates before I set my OF live, so keep checking back .

B.E ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿพ

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