Sunday, 29 June 2014

Any one interested in a Munch???

Those of you who know me know that im a social butterfly (a sexy one at that.. Fuck modesty) I have a huge range of friends all in different circles all up and down England, and further a field.

After speaking to a few subs about if they have been active on the fetish munch/club/meet scene and alot have said no!?! I suppose it only interests a few people depending on what there poison is. I myself am guilty of the same recently, as haven't been out on the fet scene in awhile for various reasons.

I've been to Birmingam Bizarre Bazzar a fair few times ( and enjoyed myself buy new equipment in the markets and having a play around at the after market party,
I've also been to Camden Crunch down in London, which was an amazing experience. Met some new faces and old faces from down in the area.
Exodus ( is also another amazing place I went to went to with Ms Saskia and a sub. I believe the party they held was an invite only one, but if you ever get an invite jump at it!!!

I met the amazing Ms Saskia at a small munch in a quiet pub in Bham she organised in summer of 2007 and have been best of friends since.

I often make social time for subs I have know for awhile, such as going cinema, out for meals, club nights etc etc

Anyway I digressed a miniscule amount away from the point of this update and got side tracked by thinking of the good times I've had at munches/meets before. I have been speaking to Ms S (black honey) and we have been talking about arranging possible meets, I say meets and not munches as what we do during the meets will vary. It might be that one month we meet and go for a drink, another month we meet and head down to the London Torture Gardens (, or head cinema, head to Amsterdam for the weekend, go to other munches as a group etc I guess the list of things to do is only as restricted as your mind is.

If your interested in being part of something like this, wether I've met you or not, wether your submissive or dominant, a switch, male or female, a couple or poly, even if not from bham then drop me an email and I will collate numbers and see if we can get it started.

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